
Service registration is missing or corrupt win7
Service registration is missing or corrupt win7

It basically tries to correct all the registry entries that are associated with the BITS service. If BITS is still not showing up in the list of Windows Services or you can’t start the BITS service, then you can try and download this registry file and running it. At this point, you should then go ahead and restart your computer and see if you can do what you were trying to do earlier, i.e install updates, etc. Now just right-click on the BAT file on your desktop and choose Run as Administrator. Name your file bits.bat and then choose All Files in the Save as Type box and save it to the desktop. In notepad, click on File and then Save As. Check out this article from Microsoft and follow the directions. If you are having this BITS problem in Windows 8 or Windows 10, there are quite a few more regsvr32 commands you have to run. REGSVR32 QMGRPRXY.DLL /S Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 First, open Notepad and then paste in the following depending on your operating system.

service registration is missing or corrupt win7

Sounds scary and technical, but it’s pretty easy. To register the BITS service, you have to create a batch file and then run it. Error2: The system cannot find the file specified" Register BITS Service If not, you can try to start it from the Services panel, but you’ll probably get an error like: "Windows could not start the BITS service on the local computer. Once the BITS service is installed, we need to make sure it’s registered properly. sc create BITS binpath= "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs" start= delayed-auto

service registration is missing or corrupt win7

That’s not by accident, you need that space otherwise the command won’t work.

service registration is missing or corrupt win7

If you can, try to copy and paste because you’ll notice that after the = sign in several locations, there is a space immediately after. If, for some reason, you can’t get the above command to work properly, you can also try the command below, which is just a shortened version of it.

Service registration is missing or corrupt win7